
No Hope For The Kids - LP

No Hope For The Kids
No Hope For The Kids LP

Century Of Warfare

I see dead faces rising from the trench
At the battlefield at Somme
I see mommies crying while their sons are dying
At the shattered place Verdun
I see the icecold winters on the eastern front
I see blood, and I see pain
i see millions of people loose their lives for nothing
I see the world go down the drain

As I wash myself in blood
From the innocent who died
i see the world as an unsafe place
There's nowhere to hide


Fjendens granater
Er lige bag dig
Hvor er din taske
Med din maske


Øjnene løber
Lungerne bløder
Når røgen letter
Er I skeletter

Det gør ondt at trække vejret
Du kan ikke trække vejret


War Wreck

The army trained him well
And now he's back in hell
The war ain't over yet
The war in his head

War wreck
Left to die but he survived
War wreck
Casualtie of a world gone blind

While we walk round in peace
He's still waiting for the war to cease
Walking down a street
Killing everyone he meets

Jeg Så Dem Dø

Jeg så dem dø, jeg så dem vade i blod
leg så et krater hvor en stor gruppe menesker lige stod
Det kan gå hurtigt, det kan gå langsomt
Det kommer altsammen an på hvordan man bliver ramt
En granatsplint i maven eller knoppen skudt af
Dø i morgen - dø i dag


Næste stop Kolyma
Rækken sluttede tæt
Næste stop Kolyma
Vi skal slave for Sovjet
Næste stop Kolyma
Rækken sluttede tæt
Næste stop Kolyma

Uræhh Stalino

Uræhh Stalino
Tovarich kammerat
Uræhh Stalino
Vi skal dø meget snart
Næste stop Kolyma
Rækken sluttede tæt
Næste stop Kolyma

Eyes Of War

He fought In the first battalion - He got the eyes of war
Found himself left and abandoned - He got the eyes of war
Dead soldiers all around - He got the eyes of war
People scream as the bombs fall down

He got the eyes of war

Signed his draft card, went away - Ready to win the war
To a country in decay - Ready to win in war

He fought at the rim of hell
He kilted again and again
He got the eyes of war
He felt the bullet go in
Cold lead piercing his skin
He got the eyes of war

And I looked into his eyes
into a world of death
I took him by the hand
Still dripping with blood
And I followed him to hell

Ready To Kill

Command me to kill
I' ll do anything
I'm a soldier you know
Ain't got no mind of my own

I'm a commando

Boss me around
Makes me fell so proud
Give me my orders
And I'll do the slaughter

I'm a commando
Ready to kill

Kill Kill Kill
I'm ready to kill
Kill Kill Kill
Ready to kill you

Rainy Day

I stuffed myself with pills today
Doesn't seem too be working
I'm suicidal in every way
And it feels like I'm burning

It's a rainy day
It's a rainy day
My life just slip through my hands
Just to fade away

Battery Acid

We feed on battery acid
We feed on battery acid
We feed on battery acid
We bleed battery acid

Suicide City

Under himlen græder pigerne glas
Bagved tæpper trukket for i nat
Drengene følger spor uden ende
Åbne øjne i kolde senge
Ordene hænger i den klare frost
Skriger desperat efter hendes krop

Copenhagen suicide city
They don't like you if you're not pretty
Copenhagen suicide city
it may not be the worst but it's still shitty

Meningsløs Vold

Kunne du forsvare dig selv, hvis det nu skulle gå galt
Kunne du forsvare dig selv, hvis nu de er mange
Meningsløs vold, det kan ende fatalt
Vi har alle sammen set det, alt for mange gange

Det er ikke som før hvor det kunne ende med en blodtud
Se at komme væk, for du kan let blive taget ud

No Hope For The Kids

Since 1998 I've been drinking
My face was full of zits
I was stuck in a room
And I was thinking
There's no hope for the kids

Five years' gone by
And I'm still drinking
My faces' still full of zits
I'm stuck here in the same room
And I'm still thinking
There's no hope for the kids

The Ride

He's coming
He's coming back
He's coming for me
He comes out of the black
White lightning
Black rain
Hunts me through the forest
I'm not sane

I'm gonna ride
I'm gonna ride with the devil tonight

We made a deal
With a contract
Sign it with my blood
Never thought he would come back
I scream for mercy
As I feel my body disappear
Burn for eternity
This is worse than I feared

R. Dybdahl - Vocal & Guitar
K. Maarbjerg - Guitar & Vocal
J. Johannsen - Bass
P. Bonneman - Drums

Indspillet i Happy Alley Rec. Area
Forår 2003
Teknik - Christian Berg
Mix - Steen Svare

Arjuna for at være dedikeret og dekoreret
Andreas Mudder for foto
Søren for layout hjælp
Alle involverede i "the Second Wave"
Backwards Masking og Kick'N'Punch
Happy Alley rec. Area
Og Dodo & the Dodo's for lån af gear


Po Box 578
2200 Copenhagen N


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